Monday, April 16, 2007


Welcome one and all to the potential new resting place for the now infamous, blog. Without further delay, I'd like to introduce you to the girl who made much of this possible; Ashley.

Ashley, against all her better judgment, considers herself lucky to be my girlfriend. There is clearly no accounting for taste, but, as I consider myself blessed beyond belief to be the boyfriend in this relationship; I shall not push the issue, lest she agree with me, and leave.

I have decided to cast off the shackles of Yahoo!, turn my back on the perversion of My Space, and embrace my favorite service provider; the ever lovable, Google.

This will be my usual ramblings, thoughts and dumping ground for the mental defecation sometimes confused for musings. I will attempt to keep it light hearted, relevant and fun. In the absent of any of these things, it will be about me, which is, in essence, the same thing.

So welcome once again. Hope you enjoy the show, and don't forget to tip your waitress.